Will Undecided Voters Tip the Election Against Obama?

… Nationally, about 5 percent of likely voters—between 6 and 7 million people—report that they remain undecided. Despite the extraordinary amount of advertising and candidate time lavished on the swing states, most of them have large pools of uncommitted voters as well—6 percent in Ohio, 5 percent in Florida and Colorado, 4 percent in Iowa and Virginia. And President Obama remains at or below 48 percent of the vote in each of those states.

The undecided vote, in other words, can still be decisive in deciding the election. …

How are undecided voters likely to split this year? While no one knows for sure, the two most recent presidential elections involving incumbents suggest that challenger has an advantage.

Here are the exit poll numbers, categorized by the timing of voters’ final decisions: [cont.]

Bill Galston, New Republic

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